
September 2022

Stop: Don’t Designate Your Investments As “Transferable On Death”

After his wife died Frank, a retiree, updated his estate planning. His new will passed his estate in equal shares to his three children.  Most of his assets consisted of investments managed in a brokerage account. Frank, unbeknownst to his lawyer and on the advice of his financial planner, later designated the assets in his

Four Provisions People Often Forget to Include in Their Estate Plan

Even if you've created an estate plan, are you sure you included everything you need to? There are certain provisions that people often forget to put in a will or estate plan that can have a big impact on a family. Alternate Beneficiaries One of the most important things your estate plan should include is at

How Long Should I Hold on to Important Documents?

It is hard to know what documents to trash and when. Before you know it, your spare room, office, basement, or garage is overflowing with boxes of papers that all seem important. Trying to weed through the mess and figure out what to toss? Keep reading. What Should I Keep? There are some documents

Medicaid – With “Gift & Annuity” You Don’t Have to Wait Five Years

Medicare and health insurance don’t pay for long-term nursing home care. Medicaid does, without any time limits or dollar caps. But For nursing home residents, impoverishment is the price of admission into the Medicaid program.  While most spend themselves broke, a savvy few manage to qualify for Medicaid without forfeiting their estate.  One way to