FREE Workshops

Join us for Our Next Webinars

Protect This House – Part Ii: Measures To Safeguard Real Estate Of Unmarried Nursing Home Residents

For many, real estate, particularly one’s principal residence, is an important — perhaps the most important part of their estate. Our last webinar examined planning strategies for married nursing home residents to protect not only the principal residence but also other real estate. Our next one will address what to do for single or widowed nursing home residents. Join the lawyers at Vasiliadis Pappas Associates for this free one-hour webinar.

Topics Include:

  • Various ways to re-title ownership of real estate
  • Below-market sales to family members
  • Protection and maintenance of rental properties
  • Measures applicable to property used in a trade or business
  • Preserving land ownership
  • Avoidance of Medicaid Estate Recovery Claims
  • And More!
Tuesday, February 11, 10am – 11am
Wednesday, February 12, 3pm – 4pm

There will be a Q & A so bring your questions

*Certified as an Elder Law Attorney by the National Elder Law Foundation as accredited by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court


Call to sign up

*Certified as an Elder Law Attorney by the National Elder Law Foundation as accredited by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.

Everyone is talking about our free workshops

“We found your workshop extremely helpful. The material was thought provoking and very well organized. We have several clear examples in our extended family of misconceptions, mistakes, and poor planning, and your material added clarity to our current needs. Once again, GREAT seminar. VERY well worth the time.”

-Mary Jane & Richard

Speaking Engagements

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Senior Life Lehigh Valley with Dionysios C. Pappas, Esq. | September 17, 2019
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Northampton County Bar Association with Dionysios C. Pappas, Esq. | September 18, 2019

Topic: POLST/MOLST Advanced Care Planning Directives for Dementia Care

What people say about our speaking engagements

“Responses to your presentation continue. People were impressed with the sense of honesty, clarity and fairness with which you spoke. Concerns you raised were an eye opener for many, and it is obvious that there will be several who will be reassessing their long-term financial and health care plans. On behalf of all who benefited from your wisdom and expertise, thank you. I hope you realize that you represent the very best of your profession!”
-Lehigh Valley pastor

We Can Speak to Your Group

Vasiliadis Pappas have presented hundreds of lectures and seminars to community and professional groups on elder law and estate planning issues. If you would like to request someone from our firm to speak at an event, contact us at:
